[when one leaves a home, where does one go to form a new locational relationship?]
stemming from the childhood urge to play, build forts, find home, and be safe.
︎︎︎studio documentation
︎︎︎on site documentation
︎︎︎assembly timelapse
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2023This summer, the movements of individuals between places one might call “home” stood out to me. Observing emptiness, change, and transition, I reflected on what might be a constant through all of these factors. When one leaves a home, where does one go to form a new locational relationship? How are relationships with places and material objects changing throughout lifetimes? With these questions in mind, I began to think about the environment around us, and how our interaction and place within it can change and impact our sense of belonging. Whether it be a physical “home,” the ocean, or one’s garden, that feeling of belonging is always held somewhere. While thinking about how textiles mediate or facilitate one’s relationship with the environment, there has to be a consideration of the environment at its current state. How will the changing climate affect our own sense of belonging?
Findings on Elasticity (elastic adj. 1) buoyant, resilient 2) capable of being easily stretched or expanded and resuming its former shape 3) capable of ready change; flexible, adaptable—).
Through these questions, I began thinking of ways to create practical and functional designs for outdoor wear. Reflecting on personal experiences in specific environments, I developed textiles designed for specific conditions. The garments and fabrics have multiple purposes, derived from natural, recycled, or second hand materials, in order to decrease the environmental footprint as much as possible. Experimentation with the physical transformation of the same garment from one shape into another allowed for transition within the garments themselves; to be able to expand, change, protect, and act as a home.